
See my Google scholar profile.


  1. US US20220078522 Protocol and system for tee-based authenticating and editing of mobile-device captured visual and audio media

  2. US 20220294640 System and method for capturing authenticatable digital media files on connected media-capture devices

  3. US 20190137753 Parallel image acquisition and restoration method for array level Fourier ptychographic imager

  4. US 20190174078 Recovery of pixel resolution in scanning imaging

Peer reviewed paper

  1. A.C.S. Chan, J Kim, A Pan, H Xu, D Nojima, C Hale, S Wang, C Yang, “Parallel Fourier ptychographic microscopy for high-throughput screening with 96 cameras (96 Eyes)” Scientific Reports 9, 11114 (2019).

  2. A.C.S. Chan, H.C. Ng, S.C.V. Bogaraju, H.K.H. So, E.Y. Lam, and K.K. Tsia, “All-passive pixel super-resolution of time-stretch imaging,” Scientific Reports, vol. 7, no. 44608, 2017. Demo 1 Demo 2

  3. J. Wu, Y. Xu, X. Wei, A.C.S. Chan, A.H. Tang, A.K. Lau, B.M. Chung, H.C. Shum, E.Y. Lam, and K.K. Tsia, “Ultrafast laser-scanning time-stretch imaging at visible wavelengths,” Light: Science & Applications, vol. 6, no. e16196, 2016.

  4. A.C.S. Chan, K.K. Tsia, E.Y. Lam, “Subsampled scanning holographic imaging (SuSHI) for fast nonadaptive recording of three-dimensional object.” Optica, vol. 3, no. 8, p. 911–7, 2016.

  5. A.C.S. Chan, A. Lau, K.K.Y. Wong, E.Y. Lam and K.K. Tsia, “Arbitrary two-dimensional spectrally encoded pattern generation—a new strategy for high-speed patterned illumination imaging,” Optica, vol. 2, no. 12, p. 1037–44, 2015.

  6. A.C.S. Chan, T.T.W. Wong, K.K.Y. Wong, E.Y. Lam, and K.K. Tsia, “Speed-dependent resolution analysis of ultrafast laser-scanning fluorescence microscopy,” Journal of Optical Society of America B, vol. 31, no. 4, p. 755, Mar. 2014.

  7. A.K.S. Lau, T.T.W. Wong, K.K.Y. Ho, M.T.H Tang, A.C.S. Chan, X. Wei, E.Y. Lam, H. C. Shum, K.K.Y. Wong, and K.K. Tsia, “Interferometric time-stretch microscopy for ultrafast quantitative cellular and tissue imaging at 1 μm,” Journal of Biomedcal Optics, vol. 19, no. 7, p. 076001, Jul. 2014.

  8. T.T.W. Wong, A.K.S. Lau, K.K.Y. Ho, M.T.H. Tang, J. D. F. Robles, X. Wei, A.C.S. Chan, A.H.L. Tang, E.Y. Lam, K.K.Y. Wong, G.C.F. Chan, H.C. Shum, and K.K. Tsia, “Asymmetric-detection time-stretch optical microscopy (ATOM) for ultrafast high-contrast cellular imaging in flow,” Scientific Reports, vol. 4, p. 3656, Jan. 2014.

Conference posters and talks

  1. A.C.S. Chan, E.Y. Lam and K.K. Tsia, “Pixel super-resolution in time-stretch microscopy by an equivalent-time sampling concept,” in Photonics West 2016.

  2. A.C.S. Chan, E.Y. Lam, and K.K. Tsia, “Pixel super-resolution in optical time-stretch microscopy using acousto-optic deflector,” in Bio-optics: Design and Application 2015 p. BW2A.7.

  3. K. S. Lau, T.T.W. Wong, A.C.S. Chan, E.Y. Lam, K.K.Y. Wong, and K.K. Tsia, “Interferometric time-stretch microscopy for ultrafast quantitative cellular imaging at 1 μm,” in Bio-optics: Design and Application 2015 p. NW1B.4.

  4. A.C.S. Chan, E.Y. Lam, and K.K. Tsia, “Signal reduction in fluorescence imaging using radio frequency-multiplexed excitation by compressed sensing,” in Photonics Asia 2014, p. 92790U.

  5. A.C.S. Chan, K.K.Y. Wong, K.K. Tsia, and E.Y. Lam, “Reducing the Acquistion Time of Optical Scanning Holography by Compressed Sensing,” in Imaging and Applied Optics 2014, p. SM4F.4.

  6. A.C.S. Chan, A. Lau, and K. Wong, “Two-dimensional spectral-encoding for high speed arbitrary patterned illumination,” in CLEO 2014, p. STh1H.2.

  7. A.C.S. Chan, T.T.W. Wong, K.K.Y. Wong, E.Y. Lam, and K.K. Tsia, “Revisit laser scanning fluorescence microscopy performance under fluorescence-lifetime-limited regime,” in Photonics West 2014, p. 894726.

  8. T.T.W. Wong, M. Y. H. Tang, A.K.S. Lau, A.C.S. Chan, E.Y. Lam, K.K.Y. Wong, A. H. C. Shum, and K.K. Tsia, “Ultrafast flow imaging by 1 µm time-stretch microscopy,” in Novel technology in microscopy 2013, p. NW1B.5.