Antony C.S. Chan, PhD¶
Consultant for hire, super-resolution imaging and giga-pixel camera design. Also open to permanent positions.
Business verticals:
New product development (NPD) and architecture critique of high-throughput imaging system involving live cells and stain-free cell culture.
Compuational image super-resolution / deconvolution algorithm design and development; Fourier optics and Poisson statistical modelling;
Structured illumination for stain-free live cells; quantiative phase microscopy;
Multi-modal bio-chemical data analysis; model-based analysis pipeline design.
Business horizontals:
End-to-end giga-pixel camera system design, manufacture, and delivery; cost of materials ranging from ~$50k to ~$500k.
System engineering requirement traceability, analysis, and architecture synthesis; opto-mechanical trade studies.
Scientific/consumer imaging optics & motion control firmware architecture; piezo-electric actuator; C++14 no-malloc firmware
Algorithm porting and GPU acceleration.
Scroll to the bottom to learn more about the technology stack and product portfolio.
Contact me at Linkedin for details.

- Research
- Main projects
- 96 minimature microscopes for parallel cell microscopy in fluorescence and quantitative phase
- Super-resolution for ultrafast optical time-stretch microscopy
- Fluorescence laser scanning microscopy at ultrahigh speed
- Signal reduction of laser scanning microscopy with compressed sensing
- Arbitrary pattern generation at ultrahigh frame rate (> 10 MHz)
- Side projects
- Main projects
- Publications
- Electronics
- Digital circuit and FPGA
- Mixed-signal circuit
- 4-channel Peltier PID cooler for 3.5Watt laser modules, 30W per channel
- Piezo-flexure nano-positioning stage control board
- Precise spin control of BioDVD imaging platform
- 74HC logic board for synchronous frequency control of the acousto-optic deflector
- Line follower robot using pure IC logic for STEM education
- Analog circuit (microwave)
- Optics
- Professional optics design & fabrication
- Plastic molded microscope lens for 96-well parallel microscope
- 2-Laser illumination engine for whole-plate fluorescence excitation, 7000 milliWatt per plate
- All-optical spatial light modulator for structured illumination at 10 million FPS
- Acousto-optic beam deflection at 1 million sweeps per second for pixel super-resolution
- Amateur optics
- Professional optics design & fabrication
- Software
- Dataset
- Technical illustration